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The stair tread angle bracket, in the picture above, is still positioned in the center of the stair tread, but I’m pointing to another pencil mark that I made.  I'm going to move the stair tread bracket a half inch forward.   

This will reduce the possibility of the front of the 2 x 12 stair tread splitting off, simply because it wasn't supported properly. They sell longer brackets and I would recommend using them, if you can find them.  The only reason why I used the 8 1/4 inch stair brackets was because my local home improvement center didn't carry the 10 1/4 inch brackets. 

Since I'm not a structural engineer and this book only provides you with stair building basics.  You should check with a local engineer or building contractor for more information about stairway structural building components, like stair stringers and other lumber dimensions and tread bracket sizes.


Remember, this book only provides you with basic stair building information.  The dimensions and sizes of building materials will change, depending upon each different individual stairway.


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